About Me

My name is China, that is my real name (I tend to get asked that alot.) I do reviews and unboxings on youtube, among other tech related videos. Even though, I have been a youtube viewer for years, I just started making my own videos in November of 2010. I have enjoyed the whole experience, so far. I've met some cool people and learned about alot of interesting things. I hope to one day, get youtube partnership. But for now, it's just a hobby and something I really enjoy doing. :) Besides, doing tech reviews I also, like to play pool and I love spending time with my Family and Friends. Let's see, I grew up in Florida and still live here even though, I have lived in a couple places in Georgia. Summer time is without a doubt, the best time of the year. I want to one day own a bussiness of some type, I'm not exactly sure yet but, I love the idea of being my own boss, haha. I Think I pretty much covered it all, if there is anything else you would like to know, Just ask!

                                                   Me & My grandpa

                 Me & My Boyfriend  

We have been dating for almost 2 years!  We were friends for several years before Dating.
He's awesome.